Monday, August 9, 2010

Homemade Yogurt!

It worked! I made homemade yogurt! Now I wish I had saved a few of the old yogurt containers to reuse. I was pulling all sorts of containers out this morning to put the yogurt in. I'm so excited! And it cost SO much less than even the big containers you can buy at the store. I followed the recipe from "A Year of Slow Cooking." Please check out Stephanie's blog for step by step picture procedure. She even shows you how to make fruit flavored yogurt. Here is a summary:

Homemade Yogurt in Crockpot

1/2 gallon of whole milk
1/2 cup of real yogurt (either store bought, or from a previous batch)

Put the entire 1/2 gallon of milk in your crockpot. Set to low. Cook for 2.5 hours. Keep covered, but unplug to let milk cool, about 3 hours. In a small bowl mix two cups of warmish milk from your crockpot with 1/2 cup of real yogurt. Add back to crockpot and stir. Cover with entire crockpot with a bath towel to keep insulated, but keep the power off. Let sit for 8 hours. Open lid to a wonderful surprise! Yogurt!


  1. Hi Amanda,
    I'm so happy that you liked the yogurt!
    We just made a peanut butter smoothie with ours. yum.

    xoxo steph

  2. Oh Yum! I love homemade yogurt. My mother-in-law and I made it last summer with the raw milk from the local farmer, it was so tasty!
