Sunday, August 8, 2010

Homemade Chicken Nuggets for your Toddler

I've done versions of this before, but everytime I do something I do it a bit differently. This is what I did this time. I made up a batch and like usual will freeze it on the cookie sheet over night. Then I take the frozen nuggets and place in a freezer bag and just reheat a few at at time for lunches for my girls. They have the texture of "McNuggets" that kids like, but somehow I don't think the McNuggets have carrot grated up in theirs! Serve it with homemade ketchup and your kids are in for a tasty treat!

Place chicken in food processor with grated carrot and oil. Pulse then add egg. Pulse until well ground up.

This is what the chicken/carrot mixture looks like. Scoop into little balls and roll in breadcrumbs.

Makes about 3 dozen nuggets.

Healthy Toddler Chicken Nuggets

3 chicken boneless, skinless thighs, some of the fat removed
1 egg
1 carrot
1-2 tbsp flaxseed oil (healthy omega-3's!)
bread crumbs (I used the ends of my homemade whole wheat bread)
Italian seasoning blend

Cut chicken thighs into 1-2 inch pieces. Put them in a food processor. Grate one carrot and put it in the food processor with the chicken. Add the flaxseed oil. Pulse until the chicken is ground up. Add one egg and pulse until it is incorporated. Dump the chicken mixture into a mixing bowl.

Place bread crumbs in a shallow dish and mix in the italian seasonings.

Using a one tablespoon scoop, scoop out the chicken mixture into little balls. Roll in the breadcrumbs and place on a sprayed cookie sheet (or parchment paper.) Flatten the balls and shape into little ovals. Spray the tops of each nugget. Bake at 375 for 18 minutes. Makes about 3 dozen nuggets.


  1. Hey Amanda,
    This looks like a great toddler recipe! I like the idea of the chicken being ground up, I think that's more appealing to little ones.

    A few questions: how much Italian seasoning do you use? Also, when you say "spray the tops of each nugget" do you mean with olive oil or something?

    Thanks, Jen Timoszyk

  2. Jen- I had about a cup to a cup and half of bread crumbs and probably 2 tbsp of italian seasoning. Just enough to add some flavor to the bread crumbs.

    I sprayed the top of each nugget with PAM cooking spray. I'd like to clean out my manual spray pumps and fill them with olive oil instead of using the aerosole store-bought cans, but that is on my to-do list!

    Hope that helps!

  3. Thanks Amanda! Going to make them this weekend :)

  4. Amanda, my kids gobbled these! We froze some right away but should have baked at least 2-3 more per child. Thanks for sharing!

  5. so i'm trying these chicken nuggets today...but instead of carrot i'm going to put chopped baby spinich in it because my sons iron is low. i'll let you know how they turn out! thanks for the recipe :)

  6. Just for clarification, this only calls for three chicken thighs? I didn't know if you meant three thighs or the thighs from three chickens. Thanks!

  7. Charlene- I used three thighs. Although after the first time I started putting two carrots in. Thanks for asking, I guess I did word it sort of funny!
