Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What's For Dinner at My House: Chicken Cheddar Hoagies

It's been another busy week so far, and it's only Tuesday! I guess spring is that time of the year where things get crazy. Today I had a St. Patrick's day party planned for my twins' playgroup and I was trying to think of what to serve the moms for lunch. We typically do a "mom" lunch and a kids "lunch" even though I really think that the kids should be eating what we eat. Most days that's what my girls do. I decided to make these Chicken Cheddar Hoagies, a dish I made the first time almost two years ago. I think I've only made them once or twice since then even though they are really quick and super tasty!

Back then I was on Weight Watchers so I put a scant amount of low-fat cheddar cheese on each one and I sprayed my pan with a tiny amount of cooking spray. Now I follow the Real Food movement and I've learned that fats such as lard, coconut oil, olive oil, butter and other traditional fats are actually good for you. So this dish went through a bit of a revision. (Which is so funny since I used to take full fat meals and make them low-fat for Weight Watchers!) These days recipes still go through revisions. I don't cook with fake fats like margarine, canola or vegetable oils. I don't buy products that have MSG or any "natural flavors" listed. I've learned that "natural flavors" is not the same thing as REAL food, and that "natural" usually means some derivative of MSG.

So I sauted my onions and bell peppers in MSG, Nitrate free bacon grease and I grated a bunch of Real, raw-milk cheddar cheese on top. Ideally I would have used a bread that had been made with soaked or sprouted wheat, but I'm not perfect, and since I wasn't at the health food store when I shopped I did buy "regular" rolls. I haven't found sprouted rolls yet, and I haven't gotten adventurous enough to start sprouting and grinding my own wheat (yet!)

The Chicken Cheddar Hoagies seemed to be a hit with my friends and they were a hit with my girls too. I've never seen them down onions and bell peppers without inspecting them and whining a bunch. If you are looking for a good fast meal to put together, give this recipe a try!

This post was linked at Kelly the Kitchen Kops website.


  1. Hi! Stopping by from Real Food Wednesday! I'm now following your blog & also on Twitter. Funny, I used to do the same thing...make real food, low fat/low points for WW...and now it's opposite. I am SO much more satisfied this way.

    Here's to REAL FOOD!!! :)

    Denise @ Creative Kitchen

  2. Denise- Glad you stopped by! I have a lot of WW meals on this site that I'll convert over here and there. Real Food is so much more satisfying!

  3. This looks terrific. I'm anxious to give it a try. Come join me for What's On the Menu Wednesday whenever you can. Thanks for sharing.
