Monday, October 5, 2009

Veggitastic Pizza

Food 036

I have been craving my mother’s pizza lately.  There are pizza places here but they are not hitting the spot.  Of course, as they are not my mother, I guess that is acceptable.    I called my mother and got her recipe for dough.  I used tomato sauce I had made for eggplant parmigiana a couple of weeks ago and froze.  I swear, it is the dough that makes the difference.

Mum’s Super Awesome Pizza Dough

1 Tbls yeast
1 Cup med-hot water (105-115 degrees to the touch, but  not scalding). 
1 tsp of sugar and 1/2 salt.
3 cups of Flour

Dissolve 1 Tablespoon yeast in 1Cup med-hot water (105-115 degrees to the touch, but not scalding).   Add 1 tsp of sugar and 1/2 salt.
Let is rest for about 20 minutes while it "proofs."  After it has "proofed" or the yeast has activated add 2C flour with a spoon.  Then, by kneading,  add 1Cup of flour.
Knead the bread into a rounded ball, grease bowl, turn dough in bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise for several hours
Punch down and roll out with a rolling pin or with your hands press into the pan.  Let rise again then add the "fixins." 

Makes about two pizzas.

I used red peppers, green peppers, onions, mushrooms ad broccoli.   (I lightly steamed the broccoli before I put it on the pizza.)  


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