Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kate's Vegetable Chili

I want to take a moment to welcome another Contributing Cook to The Frickin Chicken! I'm taking this site global. You've already met Jules, the American living in Turkey. Now allow me to introduce you to Kate from England. Kate has lived in several places, including America. She likes to eat healthy, homemade and a lot of times vegetarian meals. Enjoy!

Vegetarian/Vegan Chili with baked potato

1. Bake potato

INGREDIENTS: Potato, oven

METHOD: Wash, dry, prick and bake in pre-heated oven on very hot - circa 220 Celsius or 400 Fahrenheit. Cook until crispy on the outside, soft in the middle. Circa 40-60 minutes, depending on potato size.

2. The vege chili!


INGREDIENTS: seasonal root or firm vegetables, red or yellow pepper, sweetcorn, tomatoes, jalapenos, vegetable stock powder, flour (gram, wheat, corn - whatever available), tvp, Quorn (not vegan) or canned beans, chili flakes or powder, paprika, grated cheese (optional), milk or soy milk (optional).

METHOD: Look in the fridge.. or garden (yard). Select suitable vegetables - I chose circa 1.5 cups of prepared and chopped runner (string) beans,

a small can of sweetcorn, one orange pepper, five small mostly ripe home-grown tomatoes
- add some jalapenos and some of the pickling sauce
- add a couple of teaspoons of vegetable stock powder
- add a heaped tablespoon of gram flour (gluten free choice... or choose any other flour - wheat, corn etc)
- add three handfuls of tvp (textured vegetable protein) OR a can of prepared kidney beans/beans/pinto beans
-add as much chili powder and paprika as you fancy - I added a heaped teaspoon of paprika and plenty of chili flakes
Stir the liquid around the vegetables to a paste
- add boiling water from a kettle or microwave (or add cold and bring to the boil in the pan) and stir to a thick sauce.
- add a good squirt of tomato ketchup (cat sup)
Check flavour and consistency - if too dry or too spicy add a little milk or soy milk (vegan option)
Bring to a rolling boil and simmer on very, very, low heat (plate warming hob option) until the potato is ready.


Serve the potato split with butter (vegetarian) or margarine (vegan).
Pop a good couple of ladles of the vege chili on the side, optional - add a small handful of grated cheese (or vegan cheese)
Nice with a glass of mango and apple juice, cider-shandy (or a light beer and slice of lime for the decadent!!!).

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