Thursday, September 10, 2009

BBQ Chicken Pizza

My Father-in-law very generously gave us an extra chicken that he barbecued on Labor Day. It was very tasty the first day, but BBQ chicken is not one of my favorite dishes, meaning once every once in awhile is awesome, but 3 days in a row, is not ideal for me. I took half of the chicken and put it in one of my Chicken Tortilla Soups that I'm semi-famous for. It really added a tasty flavor dimension. Then the idea of a BBQ Chicken Pizza popped into my head. It's one of John's favorite specialty pizza flavors.

This pizza could be done with a roasted chicken from the oven and still be tasty but to have Tom's BBQ'd chicken it was SO good. Even the twins practically licked their plates. I also tried a new crust tonight because my food processor was dirty. I made it in my Kitchen Aide Mixer. It came out very similiar to the food processor recipe.

Barbecue Chicken Pizza

Crust: (and of course you could sub a pre-made crust)
1 cup of warm water
1 packet of Active Dry Yeast
2 1/4 - 2 1/2 cups of All Purpose Flour
1 tsp salt
2 tsp olive oil (I use more)
1 tsp of sugar (I like to use honey)

In the bottom of your mixer, place the active dry yeast. Add the warm water and the honey, stir with a fork to dissolve the yeast. Let stand for about 5 minutes so your yeast "blooms" if it doesn't get bubbly then you know it is bad and will not rise. You can try this recipe if you find you don't have any good yeast on hand. Add the rest of the ingredients and using the dough hook let the machine knead for 5 minutes. Place dough in a large oiled bowl and cover. Let rise for 30-45 minutes, punching out the air at the end. (I think because it's fun.)

Pizza Toppings:
1/4 yellow or red onion, diced
1/4 bell pepper, diced
drizzle of honey
Your favorite BBQ Sauce (I used Jack Daniels Brown Sugar)
diced up left over barbecued chicken or other cooked chicken
cheese (I used what was in the fridge, mozzarella, Colby and Monterrey jack mixed)

In a small skillet saute the diced onion and bell pepper on high heat. Add the honey, this will give it a slightly sweet taste and help it caramelize. Roll out pizza dough, and put BBQ sauce across the top. Layer cheeses, chicken and cooked onions and peppers. Bake at 425 for 18-20 minutes.

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