Monday, July 11, 2011

Apple & Bacon Salad

I'm trying to add a few more salads into the rotation because they are usually pretty quick to make and for summer, salads just seem right. This was a very hearty and tasty salad that was approved by everyone. John said he thought the avocados were a bit odd in it and I think my girls were just going to eat the bacon until I encouraged them to taste a bit more! I think some dehydrated cranberries would be good in this too!

Apple and Bacon Salad

1/2 head of lettuce
2 handfuls of fresh spinach
1 package of bacon
1 avocado
1 large apple, chopped
1 cup of slivered, freshly toasted almonds
1/2 a cucumber, sliced
1/4 purple onion
homemade honey mustard dressing (see below)

Cut bacon into bite size pieces and cook until crispy. Chop lettuce and spinach into bite size pieces. Wash and dry thoroughly. Add to a very large salad bowl. Add diced apple, avocado, toasted almonds, chopped cucumber, thinly sliced onion and drained bacon. Toss. Serve with honey mustard dressing. Made enough for two adult portions. 

Honey Mustard Dressing
(these are NOT exact amounts, I just eye balled it!!)

1 tsp mustard (I got to use my homemade mustard!)
2 tsp honey
1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
1/4 cup avocado oil
1/4 cup olive oil (If you don't have avocado oil, just use olive oil)
1 grated garlic clove
salt and pepper
pinch of dried herb such as thyme, tarragon or oregano (optional)

In a small bowl, whisk honey and mustard together. Drizzle oils in slowly whisking continuously. Add rice wine vinegar, garlic and salt. If it is too thick and the flavor is good, add a bit of water. Otherwise adjust oil and vinegar until you get the acidity level that is good for you.

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