Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Seafood Chowder

Yesterday the temperature dipped into the 40s and it was pretty darn chilly for May in Texas. With the added rain, I was really craving some sort of warm chowder for dinner. But I didn't really have all the ingredients to make a chowder and I sure wasn't going to the grocery store in the downpour we were experiencing. This morning the girls and I made it to the store and I decided to make this chowder up for dinner, even though today the weather was already back in the high 60s and it was bright and sunny outside. A couple of weeks ago I bought a package of clams in their shells in the freezer section. I figured it'd be a good beginner way for me to learn to cook with clams, since I love them but have never cooked them. I also figured a soup would be a foolproof way to start. I'm not going to list a specific recipe here, since I just added a bit of this and that. I will list the ingredients in the order that I threw them in the pot and the method for an idea of what I did. Oh! And I also have to add, the green English peas? They came from my garden! (I'm so proud!)

Seafood Chowder

curry powder
salt & pepper
butter & olive oil
chicken stock
shrimp (frozen)
clams (frozen)
cod (fresh)

I basically, cut up the bacon and fried it. Added minced vegetables and sauteed until soft. Threw in some curry and thyme. Then I added a bit of butter and olive oil and flour. Cooked that for a minute and then added my liquids. Tasted what I had to make sure the base was good. Then I added my seafood, peas and parsley. Served with another drizzle of olive oil and it was terrific!

I posted this on Kelley the Kitchen Kops Real Food Wednesday! 

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