Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dallas Morning News

I've got some great news to share! I've been featured in the Dallas Morning News with my girls. Nancy Churnin a reporter for the DMN interviewed me last week on Real Food and eliminating processed foods, especially artificial dyes from our diets. I had a great time talking with her, and chatting about how much Real Food means to me. I told her how I found the Real Food movement with Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and that the Weston A. Price Foundation is a great resource for learning about our food supply and how to make the right choices. Nancy was interested in tips on how to eliminate harmful dyes from kids (and grown ups!) foods.

Studies show that these dyes are causing hyperactivity in kids among other very startling side effects. Scroll through a website like the IATP Food Coloring Database and you'll be SHOCKED at how many foods use dyes in them, when it is completely unnecessary for the flavor of the food. As I talked about in the article, Real Food doesn't need any help, it tastes good and looks great. It's only by conditioning that we expect foods to look "unnaturally" colored.

Please take a moment to read Nancy's article (and see photos of the girls and I cooking, taken by Stewart House, Dallas Morning News photographer) The link is right HERE. (You do need a subscription to read the entire article.)

Here is a link to the Real Cheese Crackers I shared in the article.


  1. great! there really is no excuse for artifical dyes in food.

  2. My mom gave me a copy of the article b/c we eat "real food" too & I've started making our crackers, etc. In the article you also mentioned a recipe for macaroni & cheese - would you please share that. I've been looking for a good one. Thanks!
