Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chirizo Chicken

This is a very intensely flavored dish. I tried to make cauliflower and cheese pancakes to serve along side but they didn't turn out that great.

Chirizo Chicken

2 large chicken breasts
2 tbsp coconut oil 
2 links of chirizo sausage
1 bell pepper
1/2 pablano pepper (spicier pepper if you wish!)
2 stalks of celery
1 rounded tsp of arrowroot
1 cup homemade beef stock made from bones
1 cup homemade chicken stock made from bones
1 can of organic fire roasted tomatoes

In a large heavy bottom skillet, melt the coconut oil. Brown two chicken breasts on both sides and remove from skillet. Remove the casings off chirizo sausage and brown in the skillet, breaking up the sausage as it cooks. Dice bell pepper into small squares and put it in the skillet with the cooking chirizo. Next add diced pablano pepper and celery. Cook a few minutes until vegetables start to get tender. Sprinkle over the arrowroot and then add chicken and beef broth. Stir to incorporate all ingredients. Add the roasted tomatoes. The skillet will be very liquid-y. Turn your burner on high and let it come to a hard boil. Stir every five minutes or so to make sure it isn't sticking. Cook until it has thickened and reduced by half. About 20 minutes. Bring back down to a simmer and add chicken. Cook an additional 20 minutes until chicken is cooked through. Serve with avocado slices or sour cream.

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