Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Parmesan and Almond Crusted Chicken with Tomato Cream Sauce

This was a relatively easy dinner to throw together in under thirty minutes and it was very tasty. I also served some broccoli with it, I meant to pull out a salad but forgot. Just as the dinner was finishing the girls got a bit cranky and I lost my train of thought. It's how it goes sometimes! With the title I gave it you almost don't need a recipe!

Parmesan and Almond Crusted Chicken with Tomato Cream Sauce

2 large chicken breasts
1/2 cup lard
1 cup of "crispy*" almonds, processed into flour with a food processor
1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
Italian Season blend of spices
sea salt and pepper

1/2 can of tomato paste
3/4 cup of cream
sea salt
3 ice cubes worth of homemade chicken stock (or about 1/2 cup)
basil to taste

Slice chicken into very thin scallapini and pound with a meat hammer. In a shallow dish, mix the almond "flour" which is just almonds processed in a food processor, parmesan cheese, sea salt, pepper and italian seasonings.

In a cast iron skillet, melt the lard until it is very hot. Dredge chicken into almond, parmesan mixture and shake off excess. Place in skillet and pan fry until golden. Flip and cook the other side. Work in small batches to not crowd the pan.

For tomaoto cream sauce, in a small pot, whisk the cream, tomato paste, chicken stock (I just threw the cubes in frozen) and season with salt and basil. I have frozen pesto in ice cubes and one cube of that would have been really good too. Bring to a boil and serve over chicken.

Crispy Nuts- a recipe by Sally Fallon. Soaking your nuts in salt water gets rid of the phytic acid in the nuts, an anti-nutrient that is very hard to digest and isn't good for your body. Use about 1 tsp of salt per cup of nuts. Cover the nuts with filtered water and stir in salt. Let them soak for 24 hours. Drain, and spread out on a cookie sheet and bake at 150 (or as low as your oven goes) for 12 hours. Or use a dehydrator until they are completely dry and crispy.

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