Sunday, January 2, 2011

Leftovers become Easy Chili Mac

Today my family is having a pajama day. This means little or no cooking (or much of anything else productive) takes place. It's a wonderful time to have a mini-staycation and just bond with family. The problem is that I don't have much "quick" lunches in my refridgerator (except for all the soup!) but my toddlers will only eat soup occasionally. So digging deep within the fridge, I found some leftover taco meat, some left over buttered noodles and then there is the always handy block of cheddar cheese. I combined these three items in a small oven safe bowl and popped it in my toaster oven for 10 minutes. Easy, tasty and eaten all up! (My husband and I worked on even more of the leftovers!)

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