Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chicken Corn Chowder

I was seriously uninspired as for what was for dinner tonight. As a matter of fact, it got to be the girls' dinner time and I hadn't even started thinking of what to make. I ended up pulling some poached chicken that I had made previously out of the refridgerator and I diced that up for the girls along with some steamed veggies and applesauce. Thinking I was just going to have a bowl of cereal for myself (John had leftovers,) I was browsing through the internet and stumbled upon a quick chicken corn chowder soup. It really sounded like a good idea, and even though I didn't follow their recipe, this was easy to throw together and really hit the spot. (By the way, we do sit down as a family for most dinners, but occasionally we have a night when everyone eats at different times and it just works out that way.)

Creamy Chicken Corn Chowder

1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp flour
4 green onions, chopped
2 cups diced, cooked chicken
1 bag of frozen corn (10 oz), split
1 cup chicken stock
2 cup milk
1/2 cup grated cheddar
salt and pepper to taste

Melt butter in a pan. Add green onions and flour. Stir until all the flour is wet and cook for a few minutes. Add chicken and stock. Stir to incorporate the flour. Add half a bag of corn. In a blender (or magic bullet!) puree the milk and the other half of bag of corn. Add to the soup. Bring to a simmer and add cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste. Makes about 3-4 small servings.

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