Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Walnut Salad Dressing

I made a fun salad for our picnic lunch today with iceberg, strawberries, cucumbers, thin slices of carrot, feta cheese, toasted walnuts and baked chicken sliced on top. Figuring it needed a special salad dressing, I reserved half of my toasted walnuts and whipped together a tasty dressing in my Magic Bullet. I know the photo isn't the best... but this was a picnic afterall, I'm just glad I remembered to snap the photo before I dug in!!

Walnut Salas Dressing - 1 portion
2 tbsp toasted walnuts
2 tsp real maple syrup
1 tbsp balsamic dressing
pinch of salt
1 - 1.5 tbsp olive oil
water to thin

Put all ingredients (minus the water) in your Magic Bullet or other small food processor and pulse until smooth. Drizzle in a bit of water at a time until you get the consistency you want. This dressing is sweet and tangy!

Edited to add... this salad was so delicious that I made a second one for dinner tonight!

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