Monday, July 26, 2010

Scallops and Swordfish

FC Scallops

Oh YUM!  I have been taking advantage of being at home on the east coast.    Fresh summer corn and fish from the guy who sells it out of a truck on a highway!  Not nearly as sketch as you would think. 


Grilled Swordfish and Scallops

Preheat grill

Mix fresh crushed pepper, a little salt and about 1/4 cup of olive oil.   Brush on the oil onto fish before putting it on the medium grill.  Cook fish until firm but NOT hard.  Scallops should still be a little soft.  Serve with your favorite summer veggies and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I had fish tonight too. I'll wait and post my recipe later though. I made almond crusted halibut. Unfortunately my fish was not fresh, but frozen. It was still good though! That corn looks to die for!
