Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Broiled Pork Chop with Acorn Squash and Tomato Sauce

Well I won't win any beauty awards with this photograph, but it looked much better in real life. I had a bucket of tomatoes from my garden that I need to cook before they went bad. So I had some homemade tomato sauce simmering away all afternoon but couldn't decide what to do with it. I had pasta last night so I didn't want to make pasta again today. Last time at the store, I bough some acorn squash intending to make my stuffed squash. But I forgot to buy sausage. So I concocted this meal and it was a pretty good hit.

Broiled Pork Chop with Acorn Squash and Tomato Sauce

4 pork chops
2 acorn squash
1 cup tomato sauce
salt & pepper to taste
Slivers of Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 425. Cut acorn squash in half. Be careful that you don't cut yourself! Scoop out seeds and discard. Sprinkle with salt. Roast cut side up for about 30-45 minutes until a fork can be inserted in the fleshy part with no resistance. Season pork chops with salt and pepper. Stick in the oven with the acorn squash for the last 10 minutes. Pull out squash to cool. Flip pork chops over and switch to HI broil. Cook another 5 minutes until pork chops start to brown a bit. Scoop squash out with a large spoon. Cut into chunks. Top with tomato sauce and a few slivers of parmesan cheese.

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