Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lemon Bars

I was having the whole family over for Kurban Bayram and wanted to make something they never had before. People love trying things they have never seen, and like it even better when those things are really delicious. I found this recipe on Tasty Kitchen. I love Bakerella, she does some amazing things. This dessert turned out great. It is Turkish-mother-in-law approved! It was sweet yet tangy. The crust just melts in your mouth. It really was a hit.

Lemon Bars


1 cup Butter

1-¾ cup Flour

⅔ cups Confectionary Sugar (plus More For Dusting)


1-½ cup Sugar

¼ cups Flour

1 teaspoon Baking Powder

½ cups Lemon Juice

4 whole Eggs, Beaten

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. To make crust mix flour and confectioner’s sugar together, cut up the butter into small pieces, (I used a fork) until the mix is combined. If it is crumbly that is fine. Press mix into a greased 9X13 pan. Bake until golden or about 20 minutes.

Make the filling while the crust is in the oven. Mix sugar, flour, and baking powder, then add the beaten eggs and lemon juice. Mix well. Pour on the crust when the crust is finished, back for another 20 minutes. Cool lemon bars, cut into bars and dust with powdered sugar. Eat cold.



  1. MMMM.... besides chocolate, lemon desserts are my favorite. I have about 8 fresh-off-the-tree lemons in my kitchen from a friends tree. I was thinking of making a lemon chicken, but I may have to try these bars instead. Although with 8 lemons, I probably can do both!

  2. Yes, this recipe only took one large lemon. Make both!
