Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bar-B-Q Chicken, Baked Potato, Roasted Broccoli

This dinner is as easy as you can possibly get. It's a prep in 10 minutes or less cooks in 15 minutes dinner. And yet, it's healthy and filling. There's only 4 ingredients plus cooking spray.

Bar-B-Q Chicken, Baked Potato, Roasted Broccoli
Coat chicken breasts with your favorite bar-b-q sauce. Spray cookie sheet with cooking spray. Place chicken on one end of a cookie sheet (I used stone wear from Pampered Chef, but whatever you have will be fine.) Prick potatoes with a fork and microwave for about 4 minutes to par-cook them. Place them on the cookie sheet. Spread fresh broccoli on the other end of the cookie sheet in one layer. Sprinkle with salt and pepper or if you have it, a garlic & herb type seasoning. Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees. Do not put food in until your oven is fully pre-heated. Then bake for 15 minutes. If your chicken breasts are cut thin enough, this should be plenty of time.

The potatoes finish baking, the broccoli gets crisp and delicious and the chicken is super juicy and tender. Enjoy!

Weight Watchers:
1 pt per ounce of chicken
1 pt per 2 tbsp of barb-q sauce
2 pts per potato (adding points for cheese, butter and the like)


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