Saturday, September 5, 2009


Nothing new with this, but it is an idea for those Mom's who are packing lunches. You can make these ahead of time, wrap them in foil* and send them to school. Mini-Pizzas. Traditionally made on English Muffins, I have found a NEW product that I love. Well, okay, actually my Mom found them. Oroweat Sandwich Thins. These make the perfect kid size pizza! Mini Pizzas also are a good way to hide a veggie or two. Also, think of the possibilities with these! You can do something similar to the Cheesy Beany Sticks but make Mexican Pizzas, You can spread some cream cheese and sprinkle with fruit, etc. Use your imagination and if you come up with another great idea, leave a comment!

Oh, and I promise to put some grown-up food on here soon. I've been sort of stuck in a rut, focused on toddler foods. I went to Sprouts (local market) the other day and now I have a fridge full of ideas!


1 Oroweat sandwich half
1 spoolful of spaghetti sauce or pizza sauce
1 minced up mushroom to hide
2 tablespoons or so of grated cheese
a few pieces of ham sandwich meat

Assemble ingredients on sandwich half, starting with sauce, then mushrooms under the cheese followed by the meat. Toast in toaster oven for one cycle. Serve or wrap in foil.

*Foil hint: When I used to pack my own lunches and I took something hot, I would wrap the item in plastic wrap followed by a paper towel or two and then foil. This helped keep it insulated and warm longer. Although these pizzas would be fine room temp!

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