Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sneaky Spaghetti

This summer has been full of fun and running around. Having a food blog points out sometimes how some weeks we don't cook at home often, or just throw together something really quick that I think isn't worthy of posting. Some times though, those quick meals might be an idea for another Mom. This is one of those. I'm sure some of you might already do this, or have thought of it, but for those who haven't here's some sneaky Spaghetti, sorry, I forgot to take a photo of it.

Sneaky Spaghetti

8 oz Spaghetti noodles
1 jar of your favorite Spaghetti sauce (or homemade)
2 small carrots
1/2 cup of froze spinach or 1 cup fresh

Prepare spaghetti noodles according to package directions. Add salt to water before you add the noodles for more flavor!

Grate carrots using the smallest holes on your grater. Put the carrots in a small pot with spaghetti sauce. Chop spinach into tiny bits. (I found bag frozen spinach at Walmart that is awesome, because it's not a frozen block. You can pull out how much you need for any recipe and the rest stays in the bag. It's also easy to chop frozen so you don't have to defrost it) Add to sauce. Bring to a boil. Serve over noodles. Add cheese if you desire. For toddlers use a finger friendly pasta or chop your noodles into small pieces.

1 comment:

  1. I used to do this to you and your sister when you guys were on a spaghetti kick (or as you called it - Passgetty). I would also saute mushrooms and onions then liquify them in the blender before adding them to the pot. It added a depth of flavor to the sauce that makes it tolerable to the adult palate or at least a little variety to tomato sauce and noodles. The kids didn't seem to mind. I think the yucky mushroom issue was more a matter of texture than taste.
