Friday, June 12, 2009

Curried Turkey Sandwich

I wanted to take my girls to the mall to play today. Yesterday we were cooped up inside because of a stormy day and we wanted to get out today. I didn't want to go to a park because with all the rain it was supposed to be extremely humid today. I can handle some heat, but sticky humidity I hate! Anyway, lately when I plan a meal out for the girls I end up taking a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I wanted to change it up a bit today.

Curried Turkey Sandwich

2 slices of bread
canned turkey meat or deli meat diced
1.5 tbsp of mayo
1 small carrot
1/4 - 1/2 apple
1 tbsp raisins
dash of mild curry powder

Mix turkey with mayo. Grate carrot and apple with the fine side of your grater or micro plane. My girls cannot chew raisins yet, so I minced them up really small, otherwise add them whole. Put in a dash of curry powder and stir.

*This would also be great with tuna fish instead of turkey.

My daughter Izzie eating her sandwich.

Maddie devoured hers!


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